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If you are ready to begin your QuickScan test please simply hit the start button.

If you have come here to retrieve your report or resume a QuickScan-OnLine Session, please enter the Passcode from your email from Pico, your email address (all in lower case) and then click the Start button. (Opens a new browser window.) Otherwise please purchase your QuickScan-OnLine Session from the QuickScan-OnLine page.

Email Address:  

Your Passcode:

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Keyboard shortcuts to QuickScan features (if you are not using a mouse).

Alt G Left answer radio button
Alt J Right answer radio button
Alt B Next Question
Alt Q Quit
Alt C Text Setup

The "Tab" key will step through the text Setup Screen colours and Text size
(use "spacebar" or "return" to select use Shift + Tab For Previous option).

The information that you input will be treated with respect and will only be available to people involved in your learning and wellbeing.

QuickScan-OnLine (Buy a QuickScan-OnLine Session from the QuickScan-OnLine page.)